Traffic Planning for Special Events During Covid
The Special Events industry, for profit or non-profit has been hit hard by Covid. But positive signs are on the horizon as the City of Stuart approved the Stuart Boat Show and it is wheels up for Stuart Air Show. O’Rourke Engineering & Planning is involved on both...
National Rural ITS Conference
Susan E. O’Rourke, P.E., President of O’Rourke Engineering & Planning has been selected to present her paper on “How ITS Helps Music bring $Millions to a Rural Florida Community”. Ms. O’Rourke will be speaking at the National Rural ITS Arizona Annual Meeting and...

Transportation in 2018
As we enter 2018 with a strong economy and low unemployment rates, expect the transportation network to be more “vibrant”; read that as more congested. Transportation infrastructure is the backbone of a successful economy and community. Whether that structure leans...
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O'Rourke Engineering
& Planning
230 E Monument Ave.
Suite A4
Kissimmee, FL 34741